Waverunner Chicken with Citrus Salsa and Coconut Brown Rice

SONY DSCI don’t even know where to begin, you guys.  I made this dish a while back and I am literally about ready to jump through the screen in an attempt to devour these photos because I want to eat this again immediately.  Incredible.  Just incredible.

Now let’s just start from the beginning, okay?  Urban Halo…yes?  No?  If you haven’t…you are welcome for the introduction, and I apologize for your addiction all at the same time.  I’ve been a fan of this company and their headbands for a solid couple of years and for so many valid reasons…it’s local, started by a fellow mama like myself who was looking to create the most stylish, functional headbands on the planet and I’m pretty sure she has accomplished her mission.  These are my gym bff (and they don’t slip!!!)..and they are cute and comfy enough to keep on all day long after my workout.  Also, pretty much my saving grace on those rush-out-the-door mornings with no time to do my hair.  Not to mention Georgia is also obsessed..and man do they look cute on a silly little five year old, too.  So fun to share my stash with her! Continue reading

Bacon + Butternut Flatbreads with Balsamic Drizzle

SONY DSCOh boy.  So I’ve got this pretty amazing girlfriend.  We are raising same-aged children together.  She’s genuine and so caring.  Our husbands totally click.  We both love to work out.  You know, all the good stuff…and it all just works so seamlessly.  But heres the kicker:  She, too, has a case of ADIDAF (All Day I Dream About Food-it’s a thing-I am living proof).  She’s a fabulous cook and she may be the only human I know who loves to eat ALMOST as much as I do ;)  Like, you know, the kind of friend who sends you snap shots of every course at the fantastic new restaurant she is eating at.  The kind of friend that introduces you to rare and ridiculously awesome candy that you have never heard of and you basically faint out of pure delight.  The kind of friend you are delighted to check out new restaurants with because you know she will appreciate all of it as much as you do.  She’s a winner.  In so many ways.

And you know what, when you are a food blogger these types of friends come in super handy.  Not only is she incredibly supportive of Nourished Peach, she makes a stellar sounding board.  For example, our convo last night via text: Continue reading

The Maverick Blended Burger

SONY DSCA couple of months ago I had the honor of attending the launch of the James Beard Foundations Blended Burger Project here in Minneapolis.  The blended burger initiative aims to influence chefs to incorporate mushrooms into burger recipes, both for sustainability and health benefits.  Makes perfect sense to me.  And the coolest part is that this movement is being welcomed and respected to no end.   From elite restaurants to classic burger joints, these blends are showing up on menus all around the world.  And get this, schools throughout the country have incorporated blended burgers into their menus.  Can you imagine?  It’s time for change, friends, and I suppose we could start one household at a time.   Continue reading

Spiced Plum Cake


If you have been following along here for a while you have probably realized that refined sugar and flour recipes don’t come around Nourished Peach much.  Quite frankly, this could be the very first one I have ever written about.  But just hear me out.

We eat well.  And by we, I mean my family at home and you, my NP family.  We do, we pack our every day diets with color and nutrients and protein and diversity.   Not because we want to see the scale drop or because we are trying to stay hip to new diet trends; because we care for our bodies, we care about the food we eat and because we get pleasure from gorgeous, enjoyable meals.  Food, with NP, is not only about fueling our bodies.  It’s about seriously enjoying the process of preparing the food and the gratification of the finished, delicious product.  And more than anything, to me, it is about sharing that finished product with the people I love most.  It’s about feeding bellies and souls.  Cooking is my favorite way to show love, and enjoying a meal with my friends and family is my favorite way to spend time.   Having all of those wonderful reasons we eat well allows us the ability to avoid diet rollercoasters, deprivation and unhealthful relationships with food.   Continue reading

Cherry Lime Mojito


Well.  I’ve been sitting here pondering what to call this recipe.  Picture this:  my husband and I are both on the couch.  I’ve got the laptop, well, in my lap as it should be, and he is reading Lord knows what on his phone.  He looks at me: what are you stuck on?  Me:  I’m trying to figure out what I should call those drinks.  Nick:  a summer slurpee?  

So, theres a couple of reasons I didn’t go for his suggestion. First off, we certainly don’t run a 7-11 out of my kitchen, as much as I love the thought of that.  Second, its not 1987.   I didn’t just get back from riding my bike to the gas station up the road to spend all of my hard earned allowance on a cherry icey and Big League Chew.  This recipe must never be called a Slurpee of any sort.   Lets go ahead and give him an A for effort, but clearly I’m on my own with this one.


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Butter, Lime + Parmesan Corn

Happy official summer, friends! It’s a much anticipated time here in Minnesota and man can we embrace it. Lakes for days. Warmth. Homegrown produce. BBQs. Patios. Late bedtimes. Smores over a bonfire. Sandy shoes. And CORN.

Let’s just get something straight, for starters.  I love Minnesota.  Living here is perfect for myself and my family.  But I am a gosh darn Iowa girl..and proud of it.  18 wonderful years of my life were spent in Iowa and aside from Hawkeye football…and pork…and so many other fabulous things….that place reigns supreme for homegrown corn.  There’s just nothing like it.  We ate it so often in the summers…and there were always farmers selling it out of the back of their trucks along the sides of the roads.  Hows that for fresh? Continue reading